Friday, December 26, 2014

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How to set alarm for 7 am to wake up early

Are you amongst those people who fell lazy waking up early? Probably you are not the only one to feel like that, since a lot of people in this world face this big challenge daily which definitely includes me also :). From the children's who have to go to school to the common man  who need to go for office daily in order to earn and fulfill the needs of the family, ALL have to wake up early. Now, the big problem is that there is no alarm clock in this world which can really make you feel happy while waking up apart from doing its usual work of disturbing you sweet sleep. No matter how much we check mark our "go to bed" timing still waking up early is a very tedious task to do. Most of us will agree to the fact that we do not wake up exactly at the time when the alarm rings and used to put it on snooze many a times. But do you really think that putting your alarm clock on snooze will be able to do the job for you. Do you really feel like you have got enough sleep after putting the alarm clock on snooze. 

Set alarm for 7 am to wake up early

What's wrong with putting Alarm clock on snooze?

1) Not only does it make you do things quickly, it can actually destroy your morning to make it as a bad morning.

2) Well you might reach your Office/ School late enough to hear some real healthy words from your superior or teacher.

3) And after hearing such words and having such an ugly morning, What else can you expect from your remaining day, I hope you understood.

Science of snoozing.

10 min Snooze + 10 min More Snooze + 10 min Moreeee… Snooze = 30 Minutes
Oh Shit, I am late…

Now, the big question is how to wake up then and how to stop snoozing?

Well the answer is quite simple : Get enough sleep so that your body no more gets into the need of more sleep.

Now, you will say that it's OK but How the HELL am I supposed to do that?

Again the answer is simple by going to the bed as early as possible. It's an old saying "Early yo bed, early to rise". Try to sleep early, it will be a lot easier for you to wake up early in the morning. A normal person needs 8 hrs of sleep, try to achieve that. Rush towards your bed before 11 pm and set your alarm for 7 am depending upon your office/school timing. Well if you are a bit health conscious also then set alarm for 6 am and do some exercise or gym to make yourself fit and for God sake stop hitting that snooze button again and again in fact just forget that there is any button called snooze in this world. Once you get rid of your habit of hitting that snooze button and schedule your sleep timings, you will see that you have developed a system/biological clock that itself will wake you up at the right time without having any need of any Alarm Clock.


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